Contact and access


Port of Saint-Aygulf 2, Boulevard du Muy 83370 SAINT-AYGULF



+33 (0)9 66 86 25 63
+33 (0)


01.05 - 30.09
Every day: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

106455072 3206103829409824 1372511300789443847 n
IMG 20230507 170121 727
GPS location: latitude 43.392456; longitude 6.731252

Our Jet Fun Evasion nautical base is located on the port of Saint-Aygulf, opposite the D559 and visible from the road when you cross the bridge that takes you to Saint-Aygulf town centre. We are approximately 30 minutes from Cannes and Saint-Tropez, and 20 minutes from Le Muy.

We are open daily from May 1 to September 30 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Remember to book your hikes! We ask that you arrive approximately 30 minutes before departure in order to complete the formalities and equip yourself. 

 The Jet Fun Evasion nautical base is accessible to people with reduced mobility via Boulevard du Muy. You can also drive your own jet ski; our instructors will be at your disposal to assist you throughout your journey with Jet Fun Evasion.


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